
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Ginseng (Panax ginseng
         Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a plant species of the family Araliaceae. Mainly grows in mountainous and forested areas in Korea, in northeastern China, and eastern Siberia. The roots are used for medicinal purposes. The term ginseng is derived from the Chinese word ren shen (rénshēn) (Man + root). Besides Panax ginseng's (whose name in Greek means all treatable) there are other species that can often be mistaken for the ginseng root, such as American, Japanese and Siberian. Although all kinds of ginseng every plant has a very different function. The only true Panax ginseng is used though, and others.

American and Asian ginseng root is used orally as a stimulant and for the treatment of various diseases of Type II diabetes to sexual dysfunction in men. The root is most often available in dried form, whole or shredded. The leaf is also used, although not very much appreciated. Ingredient of ginseng is found in energy drinks with tea varieties but these are the quantities that are not medically essential. In research it is difficult to verify the medicinal properties of ginseng due to various conflicting studies and different types of ginseng and its potency. Ginseng is known for its anticancer and antioxidant properties. Is presented by the taking with the other herbs and blends ancient Chinese.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Ginsenoidi are active components that distinguish Panax species. Although its roots in the form of the most respected newspapers in fact are the ones who have the most ginsenoida. In them is 0.5 to 3% saponin mixture ginsenozides, Derivatives oleanolske acid amino acids: arginine, cysteine, tyrosine, glutamine and amino-butyric acid, several types of sugars: sucrose, fructose and galactose, 3rijetka trisaharida, starch, pectin, choline , phosphatides, vitamins C and B, about 0.5% essential oil called panaksinol, and the minerals arsenic, cobalt, copper, germanium, manganese, vanadium, and zinc.

Most often used in the form of finished products (toner, capsules, tablets), and lately can and I get to the root of the plant pharmacies. Ginseng invigorates, cleanses the blood, helps against poor or disturbed metabolism, sclerosis, rejuvenates the body by improving its function. Prevents heart attacks, liver and kidney disease, hormonal dysfunction, mainly endogenous causes of most diseases, and helps against anemia, feverish condition due to cold, poor blood circulation, anti-nerve disease, depressive mood, fatigue and lack of concentration, which are all signs aging, thus refreshing and extending life, increasing intellectual capacity and memory. Beneficial effect on the body if it is taken as the first signs of vitality and loss of these conditions takes three months at a time capsule or a few cubic milliliters daily tonic or root extracts obtained by maceration in 45% brandy.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Easterners claim that it leaves no harmful effects in humans. Therefore, its application is approved by the European Medicine, recommending that after three months of taking the medication pause mode, the duration should be adjusted to the subjective feeling of health. Recent experience has shown that ginseng lowers blood sugar, so diabetics can use it as an additional remedy. However, in case of hypoglycemia, or low amounts of sugar in the blood, ginseng should not be taken.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)