
Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )

Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )

Watermelon, and perhaps the first question that we get is where to put it, into fruits or vegetables, well in my case in fruit. Yet it is one of the rare vegetable that is often considered the fruit as it is very sweet, and people often use it as a treat. There are many misconceptions that watermelon is fruit, because it is used most often as a treat and is very sweet. A simple rule that says that these vegetables is that it is a fruit of annual plant, which is the rule of vegetables. All the fruits of which are used as food and to be planted each year are veggies. Fruit is the fruit of perennial plants, which can not be planted every year. This is a fundamental difference between fruits and vegetables, along with the fact that watermelon is only one kind of pumpkins that anyway is vegetables.

It belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae which are classified as cucumbers and zucchini. Typical for the summer months, when it's the best quality . Round or oval fruit is dark green or light green bark with stripes while the inner part of the juicy, pink to red in color with a thin, black, edible seeds. It originates from South Africa, cultivation of plants begins in Egypt (seeds were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen), continues to spread to the Mediterranean, to China, where they are grown from the 10 th century.

Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )

High water content makes it an ideal fruit dessert on hot summer days. Consumer research revealed that the watermelon is nutritious food and a healthy snack. Among the nutrients melons are especially interesting phytonutrients such as antioxidants most notably vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene then. These very powerful antioxidants prevent the harmful effects of free radicals on the body. Free radicals can worsen diseases such as asthma clogged airways, oxidized cholesterol that becomes sticky and binds to the wall, which can have very serious consequences, such as heart attack or stroke. Harmful effects of free radicals can lead to diseases such as arthritis or damage to cells of the colon and stimulate the development of cancer.

Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )

Numerous studies have shown that antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene can be very effective to prevent adverse effects on the way to neutralize radicals. Vitamin C also helps in maintaining the function of the connective tissue, is involved in processes that promote wound healing and stimulates the immune system. One role is in the process of utilization of iron in the body. Lycopene is also a highly effective antioxidant that gives the red color to tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit. Most research on lycopene was conducted on humans, not laboratory animals. These studies have established the protective role of lycopene in several types of cancer (lung, breast, prostate and other types). Lycopene protects cells from oxidative damage and thus participates in the process of protecting cardiovascular system.

An interesting component of watermelon is an amino acid citrulline, which is converted in the body to another amino acid arginine which complex processes of metabolism affects the pressure reduction and relaxation of the blood vessels. Arginine improves insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes who are insulin resistant. Energy value of 100 g watermelon is small and is 30 kcal / 127 kJ. From that contains 7.55% carbohydrates, 0.61% protein and 0.15% fat . Watermelon 100 g contains 0.4 g dietary fiber, 4.5 mg lycopene and 303 mg of beta-carotene.

Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )

When buying a whole watermelon select the one whose weight corresponds to its size, and the bark is smooth and not too bright. Hit it through her fingers sound should not be hollow. Side where the watermelons lying on the ground during ripening should be yellowish in color, not white or green, because it is an indication that it was harvested prematurely, which will negatively affect the texture, flavor and juiciness watermelon. If you buy sliced ​​watermelon pay attention to the color and freshness of the fruit. Watermelon refrigerate whole or sliced ​​to seven days. Sliced ​​watermelon wrap with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out and absorbing odors of other foods.

Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )