
Contact and Privacy

Privacy Policy / Privacy Policy

     Respected dear visitors we need only to briefly clarify some of privacy rules and this is the version for you . New Google privacy rules are out so we need to cover all sides. No big deal so you do not have to read this topic at all but here it is, and for those who will see this, it is open to all. Given that policy would cover the same things on multiple blogs we will only change the names of the blog. As for me, in today's world privacy is most important so that as far as these blogs and privacy make sure that your security is very safe , the NSA on the other hand may already watching us all but but the rest is OK .

         As for the blog , this blog in no case does not share your information with third parties or  saving information about you and your visits to the blog , except for the purpose of analysing of visits and content optimization with cookies . You can turn off cookies whenever you want directly in your browser . We are not responsible for republished posts on this blog or on other blogs and sites without our permission . This policy is of course subject to change and this is the form of last update 18/03/2014 . If you have any questions please contact me via mail . Thank you and enjoy . ( To you this notice will be an easy find , located on the same spot on each blog , on page contact and privacy )
What kind of info?

 Oh now it makes no difference to me how you see and use this blog it's totally your free choice . Do not register or reveal your identity, remain hidden in your wanderings through the Internet I don't mind. And you can provide personal information by yourself , even if you comment with your Facebook profile, unless of course you do not want to so that. You can opt to give your name , address and e - mail address to receive information about new features or simply by contact or commenting , or you do not need to do that at all if you don't want to . Neither my blogs, neither me, do not collect or use personal information for any purpose other than those listed above , or do we seek to sign or date data in any segment of the blog , unless of course that is your voluntary representation .
Google Adsense and the DoubleClick DART cookies you or him cookies

Now let's move on to question who is there to spy and monitor you. Of course, this blog does not use cookies to monitor what you 're doing , all this is just statistical analytic . Google , of course, as a third party advertiser , uses cookies to serve ads on this site . The use of DART cookies by Google enables and serve ads to you visitors that are based on their criteria when they already visited this website , as well as other sites on the Internet . So if you've noticed that you serve ads related to the topic that you are browsing , those are these cookies , nothing wrong and nothing that could harm you , just the way that Google Adsense is functioning . As for the cookies themselves you can turn off in your browser , collect the DART cookie and you can be sure to visit Google for more information about the ads and content network as well as complete privacy policy . To create link towards this information so little look around wont hurt. Tracking of users through the DART cookie mechanisms are subject to Google 's privacy policy, and nothing you can do about it but to accept them . Third-party ads , servers or other ad networks may also use cookies to track users activities on this website or for measuring efficiency and other parameters which will be provided in their own privacy policies. The key thing is that neither I nor my team as blogs , have no access to or control over these cookies is that you use a third-party ads and you have no reason to be afraid and certainly , it is all for your benefit .
Collecting any data

So as far as automatic as the action that accompanies the Google Adsense and Analytic when you visit this site , your current IP address used to access this site will be recorded along with the date and time of access . This information is solely used for analysis to help us and Google to better know that content is the most hits , who examine what,  and other little things and details that are an integral part of the use of analytic . What is important is that all the recorded IP addresses are not linked to any personal information than the purely statistical nature of the analysis so that you can relax . Monitoring and not so much detail and is an integral part of the internet .
Links to my blogs as well as websites of third parties

This page contains links to external sites . Neither am I , and of course again, or my blogs are  in any way responsible for the privacy policies on these websites, that is totaly their actions and doing. You should be aware that their privacy policies may differ from mine.