
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla
          Chamomile and benifits of chamomile tea are very known. Chamomile is an annual plant of the composite family, height 15-60 cm, thin and branched roots, twice pinnately divided leaves. Scented flower heads are composed of bisexual yellow tubular flowers in the middle and white ligulate flowers on the edge, who are bent downwards. The fruits are small oblong light-brown salame with 3 columns. The plant blooms from late April through September. Chamomile and chamomile tea usage is widespread in almost all of Europe and Asia. It grows in areas exposed to the sun.

         Chamomile is harvested primarily with flowers without stems. The quality of dried chamomile depends on the time of addition and drying methods, and this must take extra care. The rule is that the heads are the most healing substances between the third and fifth day after the beginning of flowering. Harvested heads are dried by heat, but taking into account that the temperature is not higher than 50 ° C.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
        Chamomile use is very widespread, as in traditional as well as in official medicine. From the flowers of chamomile, tea is usually prepared, one of the most popular medicine due to the benefits of chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is a traditional folk remedy for upset stomach, cramps, poor welding, gastritis, ulcers, to calm nervous tension, insomnia and fatigue. Chamomile is applied externally to flush inflammation of the skin, bites, wounds, burns, irritation, inflammation of the eyes, vaginal douches and baths because of its antiseptic properties. Also chamomile and tea can be used for kidney disease, liver and gall bladder.

         Chamomile tea is an ingredient that is applied to reduce cramps and colic in infants and babies. With stomach problems chamomile is combined with mint and lemon balm.Chamomile tea is droped in the eye or put in the form of moist linings in the case of eye infection. Inhalations of
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
chamomile tea applied to sneeze, infectious and allergic airway diseases, inflammation of the sinuses. Warm chamomile tea is used to rinse the mouth and gargle for a sore throat and gums eases breathing and refreshes the body and reduces inflammation. Chamomile was entering into the composition of fats and suppository for hemorrhoids. Washing your hair Chamomile is used for plating blond hair and dark hair may get lighter. The use of chamomile in aromatherapy is also very known. Appreciated is both familiar and fresh chamomile oil was obtained. It is equally valued in cosmetics so we say that the body heals and beautifies from the inside out.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)