
Linden (Lime / Tilia)

Linden (Lime / Tilia)
        Linden is a big tree whose trunk reaches a height of 25 to 30 feet, and the age of several hundred years. Linden tea is also very fameous. Linden flowers are small, greenish-yellow color, pleasant scent and grouped into bouquets. Flowering takes 2-3 weeks, but sometimes it happens to pass for 5-6 days. In our region white or silver linden grows (Tilia tomentosa), Big leaf linden (Tilia grandifolia) and Little leaf linden (Tilia parvifolia). Requires a sheltered land with a lot of humidity and some rain during flowering. Flower is collected between 10 and 12 hours, before the sun, so as not to evaporate the essential oils. The flowers can be dried after harvesting. It is best to dry in an airy place, and in the shade. After being dried, they must maintain their natural yellow-green color and a very pleasant smell. Tea of ​​lime is an effective remedy for indigestion, and linden honey is much appreciated.
Linden (Lime / Tilia)
        Tea of ​​lime helps sweating and therefore used at elevated temperatures. It is especially used for flu, colds and fever. Thanks to its active ingredients, linden tea, helps irritated and damaged mucosa, and is used for sore throat and to relieve cough. Tea made from linden know used to relieve cramps, but also to calm the nerves and insomnia.

It's recovering body exposed to stress. Linden has psychic healing properties that lowers blood pressure, extremely good for alleviating pain during urination, promotes perspiration and urine, treated for anemia, treatment of dropsy, purify the blood and kidneys, tea is very good for colds, flu with respiratory diseases, heal from chronic and convulsive coughing, the spasms, depressants (relaxes tense nerves and a good night's sleep), treated for epilepsy, prevents inflammation of the lungs and trachea, treated for kidney stones, removes wrinkles and age spots with skin, prevents hair loss, burns and wounds is well rinsed and coated with tea, enhances seat, and many other good qualities of the drink.

Linden (Lime / Tilia)
        Linden is recommended for liver problems, and it is not the flower, but the inside of the bark, because it acts as a mild koleretik, meaning it promotes production, secretion and flow of bile through the liver, so the cleaning and restoring the natural way. In France, lime peel for the treatment of viral hepatitis (hepatitis C).

        It contains iron, calcium, tannin, manganese salts, essential oil, mucilage, glycosides, sugar, rubber, wax, resin, yellow color, mannitol, kartart, farnezol, alcohol, turpentine (flower scent) in flower and leaf has extremely high in vitamins, seeds and fatty oils. However, should not take too much tea of ​​lime as it can cause heart problems.
Linden (Lime / Tilia)