
Sage (Garden Sage / Salvia officinalis)

Sage (Garden Sage / Salvia officinalis)
        Sage, known also as garden sage or kitchen sage , is a folk remedy that has been used since ancient times. These days sage tea helped me with the inflammation of the gums. What antibiotics and nonsense when we have sage and sage tea as a natural yet effective cure. In Latin salvia salvare comes from the word, which means to save, to heal, as the ancient Romans used it to treat a variety of ailments, and officinalis means salutary. The English word for sage Sage, signifies wisdom, and they used to stimulate concentration, to increase memory, and is thought to contribute to a longer life.         Until the advent of antibiotics, sage tea has been used for sore throat, hoarseness, inflammation of internal organs for vaginal douches, sweating in tuberculosis, fungal infections, and many others. In medical terms Sage and sage tea is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Applied for controlling sweating, menstrual disorders, to strengthen the nerves, to purify the liver and in rheumatism.

Sage (Garden Sage / Salvia officinalis)

Sage is a branched shrub with a height of 30-40 cm, perennial woody stems. The leaves are silvery white, heart-shaped, lumpy, hairy. The flowers are dark blue - purple, dvousnati, while the tips of stems forming Classes vertebrae. All parts of the plant have a strong aromatic odor. Sage grows wild on dry terrain and The coastal area, and is the most widespread of the Adriatic islands. Likes sunny places, because it is sensitive to wind and cold. Blooms from May to June. Favorite grazing for bees, and her honey is among the most valued type of honey in the world.

Sage (Garden Sage / Salvia officinalis)

Sage contains a variety of beneficial ingredients by the body. Some of them are potassium, calcium, sodium and essential oil whose components are cineole, camphor, borneol and other ingredients. It also contains a bitter substance karnozol, triperpenske acids, flavones and their glycosides, tannins.

Healing properties of these plants are known by the ancient writers. Pliny called it "salvia" (healing), which is derived from the Latin word "Salvus" (healthy). The old Roman proverb says, "threatens to death, by a sage in the garden." In the Middle Ages enjoyed a great reputation because it was considered to be a means of extending the life and expelling demons. But then came the 400-page book that talked about its use and operation.

Sage has antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory activity virustatično. Her tea cleanses the respiratory system, sore throat, pharynx and tonsils, and helps with hoarseness. It is believed that it helps even the sanitization caverns in pulmonary tuberculosis, because it contains tannins, which stops bleeding. Also tea stops heavy sweating lung patients, young at puberty, women in menopause and after childbirth. It is interesting that a slight tea promotes sweating and strong stops and prevents ga.

Sage is used for skin problems, wounds that do not heal, eczema and itching. It is extremely effective for pain and cramps in the stomach, restores appetite and soothes the stomach and intestinal inflammation, and pain in the liver and bile bag. Sage is a natural effective help for problems with the urinary tract, and particularly difficult urination. The ancient Romans had used it in the treatment of infertility, because a strong effect on female sexual organs, and eliminates the tendency to abortion. Sage boiled in half water and half wine cleanses the blood, strengthens the nerves, stops shaking hands.

Sage (Garden Sage / Salvia officinalis)

Sage tea helps with rheumatism, and protects against infectious diseases. Sage strengthens the hair and gives it shine. Gargling and rinsing your mouth sage makes teeth healthy and beautiful, helps ulcers and bad breath from the mouth. Because of the many beneficial effects on health is very desirable sage spice in their daily diet. Its leaves are put into pies and other cakes with apples, and other foods with added parsley and celery.

Sage is used in the form of tea, tinctures, essential oils. For internal use of sage tea spoon to pour one cup of water and cook for 3-5 minutes, and for external use (flushing, disinfection) can not cook but sage tea poured boiling water, cover and let it rest for half an hour, after which the strain and rinsed several times daily. The oil of sage is responsible for its antiseptic properties, so it is important not to make tea and hang, that the essential oil would not evaporate. For internal use tea is boiled, evaporated to components that can effect the seizure, if used in large doses. Basically if you have any of the problems that can be solved by Sage do not hesitate to try it, you might be pleasantly surprised by its quality.