
Tea tips

        Medicinal plants can provide us with a variety of relief when some problems that we have occure. Medicinal teas and herbal remedies are made from plants that contain substances that affect the treatment of the disease and relieve symptoms. This is the oldest form of healing known to almost everyone. Tea is probably the most popular after coffee drink.

Tea tips

The recommended daily amount of tea should not be over due, not recommended either to begin immediately with large amounts of tea until the body gets used. Each body reacts differently to everything and the drug in the tea so you should start slowly with therapy until I found the ideal amount. From the plant and its medicinal substances depends on what the recommended amount of tea.

Teas such as chamomile or mint (peppermint), if consumed daily can cause allergic reactions in some people. These teas are best if you drin themk when you have an acute problem (pain). But if you take it each day by drinking two cups, can cause the opposite reaction. Therefore it is advisable to drink herbal teas when necessary. It is also advisable to mix teas, means that every day is not drinking the same tea. While other teas such as green are very desirable for consumption because they contain caffeine and strong antioxidants. Experts recommend not consuming teas that are packed in filter bags, because they are packaged teas in teabags very finely cut and thus that lead to the loss of a large number of medicinal substances and especially essential oils.

Tea tips

On brew greatly affect whether it's a fresh or dried plant, part of the plant is used and how long the plant is kept in hot boiled water before you drain out. Thus, for example, with sage in the first minutes in boiled hot water first secrete essential oils, and only a little bitter substances, and if the tea leaves in the water long before juicing, increase the amount of bitter substances in tea. Sage tea that are left in the water for 1-3 minutes before draining, has  disinfecting effect and improves appetite and digestion, and if left for 10-15 minutes, then it reduces sweating and pain.

With flowers, leaves or finely shredded bark or roots is the best one coffee spoon of dried herb mix to one cup (150-200 ml) of boiling water and leave 3-10 minutes. It is important to cover pots to keep essential oils in tea. If it is fresh plant, take 2-3 teaspoons herb per cup, and it is enough to take a short pour boiling water because the plant's quickly transfer their aromatic substances in water.

In plants with a lot of mucus, such as flaxseed, marshmallow, and the like, the plant leaves 1-5 hours in cold water to be separated the mucus. After straining the tea may be a short warm up and so you get a cold drink or use for baths or compresses. Roots and bark are impregnated in cold water, then boil, short while to cool and drain.

Tea tips

For the curative effect it is enough to drink two to three cups a day. Additives such as milk, honey or sugar can reduce the effects of medicinal tea and better not to use if not found in tea, especially for milk protein it contains. Exceptions are teas cough where your honey anti-bacterial effect enhances healing.