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Thyme ( Herba Serpylli )
hyme belongs to the labiate family.
It is a natural aphrodisiac, antiseptic, antioxidant, antispazmatik, antiretik, digestive, diuretic and even sedative.
Thyme or thyme tea is very beneficial.
Thyme bears a name that says it is a herb for women.
Almost in all the languages it's named named thyme.
Thyme ( Herba Serpylli )
Thyme ( Herba Serpylli )
Thyme is a s
trong antiseptic for the internal organs, respiratory and urogenital organs.
The plant provides power to stimulate mental and physical functions, bath and it strengthens the nerves and muscles, it's used for anxiety, depression and even alcoholism treatment.
In lung diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis, taking thyme tea or syrup made of thyme acts as multifunctional. Thyme acts as
expectorant, antiseptic that soothes severe cough and as an antiseptic that prevents the spread of infection that is anti-inflammatory.
Thyme has also very diverse applications.
It is used to encourage and regulate menstruation, as an antiseptic for uterine infections.
Thyme is also used to treat migraines, bladder disorders, kidney, stomach cramps, anemia, blijedoće, excessive bile, angina, diphtheria, epilepsy, fever, insomnia and even rheumatism.
Thyme ( Herba Serpylli )
The word "THYMOS", which means courage, strength, indicates the stimulating effect of this herb.
It was noted that even ordering the cultivation of thyme, and the Egyptians used to embalm the dead and washing.
Essential oil of thyme contains the most CIMO that toxic in large doses.
It is used in flatulence and digestive disorders and for increased circulation.
Thyme ( Herba Serpylli )
Thyme in western medicine is used to treat bronchitis, diseases of the vocal cords, stomach disorders, diseases of the throat, intestinal catarrh, strong irritant and konvulzijskog monthly cycle, hoarseness, various wounds, respiratory and gastric catarrh and weak nerves.
It's also used as a flavoring for food and as a plant with magical power.
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